How to select Network Adapter to start API service in Multiple Network Environment

One of our customers from Brasil, faced with problem to start Multi Room Audio Player WCF/REST API on computer system with Multiple Network Interfaces installed. He uses Dante audio controller and plays 16 songs simultaneously. These 16 channels are being managed by the Soundweb London BLU-806 Signal Processor with Digital Audio Bus through the HiQnet Audio Architect by Harman software. The main audio system has Multi Room Audio Player and 4 Network Adapters installed. And the customer needs to run REST API on the selected one. But Multi Room Audio Player starts API on the first available network interface.

API Settings

So we decided to add the ability to select the network adapter to run REST API. At first, please run the command prompt and type ipconfig command to see all available network interfaces.

ipconfig - Multiple Network Adapters

The numbering of network cards starts from zero. So if you want to run API on the second network interface, please use number “1”. Please open Multi Room Audio Player settings XML file in your favorite text editor. By default, this is Notepad, but I prefer Notepad++. The file path is C:\Users\{your_username}\AppData\Roaming\MZAP5\settings.xml Please find NetworkCardNumber parameter and change it to the desired Network Card number. The default value is “0”, I changed it to “1” for example.

Multi Room Audio Player settings XML file

Restart Multi Room Audio Player, go to the Settings-API tab and check it out.

API Settings

Maybe later we will add this option to the Settings window, but I think better to hide it from most of the users. Let me know if you have any suggestions, we are waiting for your feedback.

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