First big Multi Room Audio Player update in 2017

This is first Multi Room Audio Player update in 2017. Please download and try it on our download page. Below you can find a list of all changes, fixes and improvements.

[-] lots of small bugs has been fixed;
[*] Spotify player has been improved;
[*] Some user interface changes to fit 1280×1024 screen resolution.
[+] Added: New API method SpotifyLoginAsNewUser to re-login to Spotify music service;
[+] Added: New API method UpdateSpotifyCredentials to update stored Spotify login and password;
[+] Added: New API method GetSpotifyLogin to get current logged Spotify user;
[+] Added: New API method IsSpotifyLoggedin to get Spotify logged state;
[+] Added: New API method CreateVirtualSpotifyPlaylist to create custom Spotify playlist with any tracks;
[+] Added: New API method PlayAnySpotifyTrackById to play any Spotify track by Id;
[+] Added: New API method RestartApp to restart player remotely;
[+] Added: New ability to Edit Playlist after creation;
[+] Added: New ability to Edit any Playlist file from a local drive;
[+] Added: New duplex binding events (OnTrackChangedEvent, OnPlayerStateChangedEvent) for WCF API, you will be notified if player state changed;
[+] Added: Spanish language to User Interface.

WCF Duplex Binding

Edit Playlist

Spanish language

Please follow this link to view full version history.

How to select Network Adapter to start API service in Multiple Network Environment

One of our customers from Brasil, faced with problem to start Multi Room Audio Player WCF/REST API on computer system with Multiple Network Interfaces installed. He uses Dante audio controller and plays 16 songs simultaneously. These 16 channels are being managed by the Soundweb London BLU-806 Signal Processor with Digital Audio Bus through the HiQnet Audio Architect by Harman software. The main audio system has Multi Room Audio Player and 4 Network Adapters installed. Read More …

Minor update is ready

Please download new minor update of Multi Room Audio Player. This is a list of all improvements:

[+] Added: New API method GetPlayersShortInfo to get only main player or players info;
[+] Added: Ability to Unregister software. If you want transfer license you need unregister software first;
[-] Fixed: Getting current track info via API;
[-] Fixed: Selecting track on pause.

You can view all version history here.

About window - Unregister software

New features have been added

Please download new release here. This is a list of all bug-fixes and enhancements:

[+] Added: New Zone task: Play Playlist. You can schedule playlist to Zone with our powerful scheduler;
[+] Added: New API method GetAllSchedulerTasks to get list of all scheduled tasks;
[+] Added: New API method GetAllJingles to get list of all Jingles;
[+] Added: New API methods CreateNewPlaylist, DeletePlaylist, AddFilesToPlaylist, GetPlaylistTracks . These methods help manage predefined playlists;
[+] Added: New API method PlayPlaylistToZone to play M3U playlist to Zone;
[+] Added: Ability to Stop long Jingle in Zone. Open Zone window and go to the Control menu
[*] Changed: API method SetPlayerPlaylist renamed to SetPlayerQuickPlaylist;
[*] Changed: Added few new not mandatory parameters to API method SetZoneSchedulerTask;
[*] Changed: Added not mandatory Volume parameter to API method PlayFileToAllZones;
[*] Changed: Added not mandatory Volume parameter to API method PlayFileToZone;
[-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.

Stop Jingle in Zone

Scheduler: Play Playlist to Zone

You can view all version history here.

New functionality and API methods have been added

Please download new version from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:

[+] Added: New Zone tasks: Mute, Unmute. You can schedule Zone Mute\Unmute using embedded scheduler;
[+] Added: New API method SetZoneSchedulerTask. Create new task for selected Zone;
[+] Added: New API method GetSchedulerTask returns task info;
[-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.

Scheduler Zone tasks

You can view all version history here.

Download new update

Please download newest release from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:

[+] Added: New API method SetPlayerPlaylist. You can remotely choose one of predefined Playlists;
[+] Added: New PlaylistName field in the Player state. You can get current Playlist name using API;
[-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.

You can view all version history here.

New update is available

New version is here. Some new features has been added. Now you can assign custom HotKey to player controls. Please download newest release from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:

[+] Added: HotKeys support;
[+] Added: Write CPU and memory usage to log file;
[+] Added: Write Audio Devices count to log file;
[+] Added: New API method SetPlayerMute;
[+] Added: New API method GetAllPlaylists;
[-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.

HotKey Settings

You can view all version history here.