How to generate playlist with periodic ads or announcements

At first please create M3U playlist with all your ads. Start Multi Room Audio Player, go to Tools menu and run “Music Database” (Ctrl-Alt-M hot key)

Tools-Music Database

In Music Database window go to Playlist menu and choose “Generate new playlist…”

Music Database - Generate new playlist

In the «Save playlist» dialog please select folder and type new playlist name. And now Playlist Generator window appears.

Playlist Generator

Here you can select playlists type: by time or specify the number of tracks. If you want insert jingles, enable “Insert Jingles from playlist” option and select prepared jingles playlist. Set how often insert jingles. If you want repeat jingles infinitely, set “Repeat Jingles” and the generator starts to insert tracks from the beginning, if they run out. Press OK and wait for a little. Your new playlist is ready to play.

This short video tutorial helps you generate a new playlist using Multi Room Audio Player

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