Please download new minor update of Multi Room Audio Player. This is a list of all improvements:
[+] Added: New API method GetPlayersShortInfo to get only main player or players info; [+] Added: Ability to Unregister software. If you want transfer license you need unregister software first; [-] Fixed: Getting current track info via API; [-] Fixed: Selecting track on pause.
Please download first release in 2016 year here. This is a list of all bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: Some new Spotify log events have been added; [-] Fixed: After adding a new Zone to Spotify player it will be synchronized; [-] Fixed: Minor bugs.
Please download new release here. This is a list of all bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: New Stop Jingle action has been added to Player; [*] Changed: Some minor UI changes in Scheduler window; [-] Fixed: Playback of mono\stereo Jingles has been fixed; [-] Fixed: Major FileNotFound bug\crash has been fixed.
Please download new release here. This is a list of all bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: New Zone task: Play Playlist. You can schedule playlist to Zone with our powerful scheduler; [+] Added: New API method GetAllSchedulerTasks to get list of all scheduled tasks; [+] Added: New API method GetAllJingles to get list of all Jingles; [+] Added: New API methods CreateNewPlaylist, DeletePlaylist, AddFilesToPlaylist, GetPlaylistTracks . These methods help manage predefined playlists; [+] Added: New API method PlayPlaylistToZone to play M3U playlist to Zone; [+] Added: Ability to Stop long Jingle in Zone. Open Zone window and go to the Control menu [*] Changed: API method SetPlayerPlaylist renamed to SetPlayerQuickPlaylist; [*] Changed: Added few new not mandatory parameters to API method SetZoneSchedulerTask; [*] Changed: Added not mandatory Volume parameter to API method PlayFileToAllZones; [*] Changed: Added not mandatory Volume parameter to API method PlayFileToZone; [-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.
Please download new version from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: New Zone tasks: Mute, Unmute. You can schedule Zone Mute\Unmute using embedded scheduler; [+] Added: New API method SetZoneSchedulerTask. Create new task for selected Zone; [+] Added: New API method GetSchedulerTask returns task info; [-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.
Please download newest release from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: New API method SetPlayerPlaylist. You can remotely choose one of predefined Playlists; [+] Added: New PlaylistName field in the Player state. You can get current Playlist name using API; [-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.
This release is a present to all our German speaking customers. Please download newest release from our main website. All bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: German language; [+] Added: «Clear All» button to Hotkey Settings; [+] Added: Ability to delete Hotkey with Backspace button on Hotkey Settings page; [-] Fixed: Some Hotkey minor bugs; [-] Fixed: Playlist bug — «InvalidArgument=Value of ‘-1’ is not valid for ‘index'».
New version is here. Some new features has been added. Now you can assign custom HotKey to player controls. Please download newest release from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:
[+] Added: HotKeys support; [+] Added: Write CPU and memory usage to log file; [+] Added: Write Audio Devices count to log file; [+] Added: New API method SetPlayerMute; [+] Added: New API method GetAllPlaylists; [-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.
The new version is available. We’ve fixed some minor issues and added few new features: — You can disable XML (audio tag info from current track) file writing in the Settings; — You can adjust crossfading time between songs (please see Settings-General tab); — The program creates backup of workspace file automatically after you opened new workspace; — Now the program supports m3u and m3u8 playlists with internet radio streams.
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