New update is available

New version is here. Some new features has been added. Now you can assign custom HotKey to player controls. Please download newest release from our download page. All bug-fixes and enhancements:

[+] Added: HotKeys support;
[+] Added: Write CPU and memory usage to log file;
[+] Added: Write Audio Devices count to log file;
[+] Added: New API method SetPlayerMute;
[+] Added: New API method GetAllPlaylists;
[-] Fixed: Some minor bugs.

HotKey Settings

You can view all version history here.

The new version is available

The new version is available. We’ve fixed some minor issues and added few new features:
— You can disable XML (audio tag info from current track) file writing in the Settings;
— You can adjust crossfading time between songs (please see Settings-General tab);
— The program creates backup of workspace file automatically after you opened new workspace;
— Now the program supports m3u and m3u8 playlists with internet radio streams.

Please download your update here.

New WCF and REST API commands are available

We’ve added new WCF and REST API commands:

GetAllZones() – returns a JSON or .Net List of all available zones;
GetAllPlayers() – same method for players, returns a JSON or .Net List of all players;
SetZoneMute (string zoneName, bool mute) – use this to mute or unmute zone by name.

Don’t forget to upgrade, please download latest version here.

Update is available

We’ve fixed some bugs and added new features:

— New WCF\REST API method “SetPlayerMode”, you can remotely select player mode – one by one, shuffle, repeat track, repeat playlist, stop after current track;
— Added support for many new audio formats – Monkey’s Audio APE, AC3, OptimFROG lossless audio codec, The True Audio TTA, Apple lossless audio ALAC;
— Added the ability to play AAC Internet radio stations;
— Internet radio playlists are supported now;
— Added the ability to play stereo Internet radio stations;
— Drag and Drop support for files, folders, and playlists;
— New Spotify player modes – one by one, shuffle, repeat track, repeat playlist, stop after current track.

Please don’t forget to update, download latest version here

Multi Room Audio Player boxshot